Recreational use of cannabis has been legal in California since 2016. Since then, dispensaries started emerging and are now all over the state: our six different types of cookies are available in more than 30 different places in Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, the Inland Empire, and the High Desert. For those who decide to ingest the weed rather than smoke, we have some good news: we also add the nutrition information on each package, in order, you are well informed about the cookie plug calories. Find out more in this article!
Calories per Serve from the Cookie Plug Edibles
To begin with, let us tell you we have six different flavors you can get: OG (chocolate), Crunch Nugget (Peanut Butter), Purple Haze (red velvet and white chocolate), Pixie (sugar), BamBam (fruity cereal) and XTC (Triple Chocolate). They all come in packages of three cookies with 100 MG of THC on each package. For us, size doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe us, check the model holding the cookies in her hand on our home page. She can barely clutch three of them.
We created our recipes thoroughly, in both the amount of THC add to them and the calories each cookie plug has. You can check the nutrition facts from each cookie here. What we can tell you, however, is that the recommended serve of each cookie is about 15 g or 10 serves per cookie. Each of those serves will then have approximately 60 calories. Rest assured that we only use natural ingredients like real butter and that our cookies are preservative free. That results in the best-tasting edible cookies on the market.
Additionally, we always state the ingredients on a label behind the package. In case of any allergies, we recommend you check this first.
Where to Get your Cookie Plug Edibles
If you did your math right, you may have noticed by now that there are approximately 600 calories per cookie plug. Yes, using natural ingredients or real butter comes with a price. You have seen, however, that the cookies themselves are massive, so our advice, both for the THC effects and for your health is to either share them or to have them in two separate moments, like as a snack and as a dessert, for example.
The good news for you is that our cookies can be found in more than 30 locations throughout California. San Diego, Los Angeles, the High Desert, Palm Springs, and the Inland Empire are only some of them. You will be able to find where to get them in the locations tab on our site. Furthermore, you can also leave us your email to find out when the next badge will be delivered to your area. If you have come this far, reading this blog, you deserve a price: have a cookie.